Discounted Packages available with CIDB Registration.
It is compulsory for anyone who works within the home building industry to register at the NHBRC (National Home Builders Registration Council). Most funding, loans, tenders and contracts will require an NHBRC Registration Number.
Start today with these great inclusions:
Note: The NHBRC’s Registration fee of R745.61 and annual Membership fee of R526.32 are not included in our facilitation fee.
Free Consultation with a Compliance Specialist to assess exactly what you need.
Full-Scale Compliance Services for all industries, as well as Monthly Tax, Accounting and Payroll Packages.
Free Training for SA’s Entrepreneurs through our free start-up videos and paid business coaching.
Secure Online Tracking System for all your Company Compliance (free).
If we cannot assist you, you are guaranteed your money back.
Simply email us a brief description of your company and your service offering or the services required for your Company / Business.