Register a Trademark

Protect your Company’s brand, name and logo with a Trademark Registration.

Our Trademark Attorney has vast experience in Trademark Registration and has assisted hundreds of clients all over South Africa and the World.

Register Now & Get a Free Consultation

Register Now & Get a Free Consultation

A Trademark can be registered for a brand name, a slogan or a logo that identifies the goods or services of a business and distinguishes it from competitors’ goods or services. It can be seen as an asset of the business, as it protects the company name. The most important part of a Trade Mark registration, is to specify the goods or services your company will deliver. All goods and services fall into one of 45 classes. Our Trade Mark Specialist will assist you to ensure you choose the correct class(es) for the necessary protection. These classes are subdivided in thirty four (34) classes for goods; and eleven (11) for services.

Do you need to Register a Trademark in South Africa?
Here is the Process to Register a Trademark in South Africa:

Phase#1 - Special Search: R 2690 (3 days).

The 1st Phase will include completing a special comprehensive search of the Trade Marks register in one class*.

Here we firstly check if you can proceed with the Trade Mark application ‘as is’ or if you need to adjust your Trade Mark to ensure success registration. We prepare your Trade Mark Application and then submitted it to our Trade Mark Attorney; who initiates and completes the special search on the CIPC Trade Marks register.

Phase#2 - Trademark Registration: R 2800 (VAT Incl).

Once you receive the search results, you will have the option to decided if you wish to proceed. Our Trade Mark Attorney will then assist with Phase 2, and start the Full Trade Mark Registration process. 

Our Trade Mark Attorney, Reinhardt Bruwer, specialises in Intellectual Property Law and is a practicing Trademark Attorney with extensive expertise and experience in Trademark law and will ensure your Trademark is filed correctly.

Our Premium Trademark Services:

Trademark Registration is a lengthy process and there are no shortcuts. Many service providers offer quick Trademarks at a low cost – but unfortunately shortcuts can cause major issues with the Trade Mark. There have been recent cases where the Trademarks Office simply refuses the files if the correct legal procedures has not been followed through a Trademark Attorney. We provide a Premium Trademark Service to ensure the correct legal advise and process is followed to Register your Trademark with the “Trade Marks Office of South Africa”.  

We are here to help you succeed!

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Full-Scale Compliance Services for all industries, as well as Monthly Tax, Accounting and Payroll Packages.

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Online Tracking

Secure Online Tracking System for all your Company Compliance (free).

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